Eric H. Hoffman MD

Orthopedic Surgeon
Verified Patient Rating: 5 (3 patient reviews and ratings)
Spectrum Orthopaedics Portland
33 Sewall Street
Portland, ME 04102

Additional Offices

4A Commons Avenue
Windham, ME 04062
“Dr. Hoffman is smart, direct, and an informational provider. He is professional in his expertise and personable in his approach to my recovery.”
– Newton D.
“Dr. Hoffman provided education, options, and treatment. He spent plenty of time with me and was pleasant and kind.”
– Eric H.
“Dr. Hoffman is great at offering choices. He explained my options clearly. He always says he is available if needed, and when I needed him, I was able to get an appointment in five days, which was appreciated, as I was in a good deal of pain.”
– Lisa C.